Would YOU try it? MailOnline tastes roasted grey squirrel - as experts call for Britons to eat the meat to save the native red species
Daily MailIt's adorably fluffy and is frequently seen scampering up the trees of British parks. Exmoor Squirrel Project says grey squirrel meat is good served up in stews, pies and kebabs – even though there's not a lot of meat on a single critter. Oven ready squirrel: The Wild Meat Company sources and sells more unusual types of meat that are hard to find in supermarkets Lovely bit of squirrel: By the time I'd assembled all the ingredients together in a roasting dish it looked quite appealing - almost autumnal As the meat had tightened from the heat of the oven, one of the squirrel's legs had started sticking up in the air I also noticed the presence of little hairs, although I wasn't too put off by this because my diet in my first term of university largely consisted of pork scratchings. Hard to carve: It's not that the meat was tough, it's that it didn't come away from the carcass very easily Slim pickings: A single grey squirrel doesn't carry that much meat - at least compared with your more traditional roast If grey squirrel takes off as the next foodie fad, I'm sure it'll be in top restaurants, not the kitchens of people's homes. Wildlife groups carefully monitor squirrel populations and carry out targeted control of grey squirrels in areas where red squirrels are at risk of extinction It's why the government forbids the release of grey squirrels into the wild – so you must kill them humanely if you catch them alive.
History of this topic

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