I Went To Sibling Therapy With My Adult Sister And It Saved Our Relationship
Huff PostIllustration: Yukai Du for HuffPost; Photo Courtesy of Kelli Dunham I’m no stranger to therapy. Each kid’s day-to-day experience at home was in large part governed by the sibling immediately older than us. Later, when she was at Messiah College and I was at Mid-America Bible College, she would read to me from her copy of Shel Silverstein’s hilarious and sarcastic ”Uncle Shelby’s ABZ Book,” both of us on pay phones in our student center lobbies. But while most adult siblings play some version of the “I don’t remember that” game when talking about childhoods, for us the differences were major. They were never married.” “No, that’s nuts, I never took you to the emergency room.” We realized we needed to make some changes or our relationship wouldn’t survive.