Police are recording trivial incidents as hate crimes, watchdog finds - because officers are so worried about being criticised on controversial issues such as race and gender
6 months, 1 week ago

Police are recording trivial incidents as hate crimes, watchdog finds - because officers are so worried about being criticised on controversial issues such as race and gender

Daily Mail  

Police are so worried about being criticised on controversial issues such as race and gender that they are recording trivial incidents as hate crimes, a watchdog has found. Mr Cooke revealed that some forces were so keen to avoid offence that they have had to consider taking measures such as providing both a male and a female warrant card to officers and staff who hold 'gender fluidity as a belief-based protected characteristic' His report found that officers wearing a 'thin blue line' badge on their uniform in remembrance of colleagues who have died may not be appropriate because the symbol had been associated with extremist groups in America. The watchdog also cautioned officers to be careful about going to certain community events after some questioned whether attending Pride showed a disproportionate amount of support for a protected characteristic group. The watchdog also cautioned officers to be careful about going to certain community events after some questioned whether attending Pride showed a disproportionate amount of support for a protected characteristic group Of the 120 cases reviewed, inspectors found police had incorrectly recorded a quarter of cases as crimes or non-hate crime incidents He said her accusations that police were biased and playing favourites in policing protests, which ultimately led to her dismissal from government, should have been delivered in private.

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