Ahmedabad surgeons set record, remove the 'heaviest' kidney tumour of 3.1 kg in child
2 years, 7 months ago

Ahmedabad surgeons set record, remove the 'heaviest' kidney tumour of 3.1 kg in child

India TV News  

Ahmedabad doctors team led by senior surgical oncologist Dr. Nitin Singhal, has set the record for surgically removing the "heaviest kidney tumor" in a child and has been recognised by the India Book of Records. Notably, the team successfully removed a large Wilms' tumor weighing 3.1 kg from the left kidney of a 3-year-old child, providing a new lease of life to her. The four-hour long surgery was performed by Dr. Singhal and his team which included anesthetist Dr. Ankit Chauhan and pediatric surgeon Dr. Kirti Prajapati. Dr. Singhal said, "This case highlights the lack of awareness in our society in relation to paediatric tumours which have a good prognosis if treated properly and on time.

History of this topic

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