Latest on Ukraine: Pentagon leaks, France's overtures in China and Finland in NATO
NPRLatest on Ukraine: Pentagon leaks, France's overtures in China and Finland in NATO Enlarge this image toggle caption Evgeniy Maloletka/AP Evgeniy Maloletka/AP Here's a look ahead and a roundup of key developments from the past week. French President Emmanuel Macron visited Beijing and said he's counting on Chinese leader Xi Jinping to "bring Russia to its senses" over Ukraine. The number of Ukrainian refugees across Europe surpassed 8 million, and more than 5 million are displaced inside their country, after little more than a year since Russia's large-scale invasion, the U.N. refugee agency says. And Zelenskyy — Ukraine's first Jewish president — joined Ukrainian Muslim soldiers for an iftar dinner after their daily fast during Ramadan, Islam's holy month, which ends next week.