Meet Karnataka Activist Whose Long Fight for Clean Toilets in Govt Schools Just Bore Fruit
News 18For Archana KR, a social activist from Karnataka, documenting the pitiable conditions of government schools across the state was not just a social project or activism. Two years on, her battle has borne fruits, the Karnataka government has allocated Rs 100 crore for the next two years to better the conditions of toilets in government schools and provide water connectivity. Speaking to News18, Archana said, “While on rounds to these schools, I would often hear how girls have to skip classes or entire school days often due to the lack of hygienic toilets or water. This prompted me to take the problem up with the government.” Surveying more than 300 schools, Archana found that almost 70 percent of toilets were in a terrible condition and in rural Karnataka, her survey found over 27 percent of girls across the state are forced to drop out due to unavailability of proper hygiene in school toilets.