Payment Of Wages Act Is Beneficial Piece Of Legislation, Weaker Section Can't Be Denied Legal Entitlement On Technicalities: Karnataka HC
Live LawThe Karnataka High Court recently observed that Payment of Wages Act is a beneficial piece of enactment. Justice Jyoti Mulimani thus quashed the order dated January 28, 2015 passed by the Assistant Labour Commissioner rejecting the claim petition filed by one Parvathamma, who worked as a watcher with the Department of Forest and Environment Department, merely because her signature was missing on the claim application. The court remitted the matter to the Assistant Labour Commissioner and directed him to permit the petitioner to sign the claim application and then adjudicate the dispute in accordance with law within a period of six months. The Labour Commissioner vide order dated January 28, 2015, allowed the claim petition of the husband while rejecting the petitioner's application on the ground that she had not signed the claim application and as such she cannot maintain the application claiming unpaid wages from the second respondent. Respondents Opposed the Plea: Additional Government Advocate Shivananda D.S argued that the petitioner should have been diligent in prosecuting the claim and the Assistant Labour Commissioner is justified in not considering the claim.
History of this topic

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