Rajdeep Sardesai lies in a Hyderabad speech just days after apologising unconditionally in court for spreading fake news
Op India“Indians no longer voting for values, but for individuals”– thus spoke India’s most controversial journalist Rajdeep Sardesai. We were told that “Mr Sardesai explained 10 trends he has spotted.” Just days after apologizing to the High Court of Telangana for spreading fake news in 2007, Rajdeep Sardesai stood in front of an audience in Hyderabad and continued to mutter lie after lie. Read: Rajdeep Sardesai issued an unconditional apology to an IPS officer in November 2019 for spreading fake news in 2007 The Citizenship Amendment Bill that intended to fast track citizenship for persecuted minorities in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan was first tabled in the Lok Sabha in the year 2016. Read: As Islamist mobs set buses on fire and attack temples to oppose CAA, Rajdeep Sardesai paints them all as peaceful and patriotic We are further told that Rajdeep opinionated that “Candidates are mattering less and less, and we are slowly becoming elected autocracy wherein the individual matters much more than any institution.” This argument is baffling beyond expectations.