Greg Gutfeld's sexual obsession with AOC accidentally reveals the insecurities of the MAGA man
1 year, 2 months ago

Greg Gutfeld's sexual obsession with AOC accidentally reveals the insecurities of the MAGA man


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is constantly being harassed by MAGA men, and so it's no surprise she understands what fuels them: insecurity. But, of course, MAGA men can't handle an accusation of insecurity without immediately proving it to be true, which is exactly what happened to Greg Gutfeld, an alleged "comedian" whose lack of talent led him to Fox News, where audiences pretend to find his pathetic bully act funny. Likely it's because he shares their entirely correct fear that others can see through their chest-thumping to, in Gutfeld's words, the "soft and buttery" condition of a typical Ford F-Series pick-up truck driver. But nah, for MAGA men it's easier to join their soft hands together in agreement that the best way to feel big is to bully other people — especially women. We need your help to stay independent Subscribe today to support Salon's progressive journalism This is MAGA "manhood" in a nutshell.

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