State awards $10.7M to convert Motel 6 in Costa Mesa into permanent supportive housing
LA TimesThe Motel 6 at 2274 Newport Blvd. in Costa Mesa will soon be converted into permanent supportive housing for homeless, at-risk individuals and veterans and provide affordable housing options for seniors. An effort to transition a Motel 6 on Costa Mesa’s Newport Boulevard into permanent supportive housing for homeless and at-risk individuals got the green light Wednesday, when the state awarded $10.675 million in Project Homekey funding toward the project. Costa Mesa Mayor Pro Tem Andrea Marr, speaking in a statement Wednesday, thanked county officials for their leadership and said the transition will help the city create diverse housing options for more residents. “Project Homekey will allow us to serve Costa Mesans in great need of housing.” Orange County Supervisor and former Costa Mesa Mayor Katrina Foley said Wednesday city officials had worked for years to address the blight and crime that historically plagued the city’s motels before Homekey came along.
History of this topic

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