DA seeking Trump taxes cites reports of ‘criminal conduct’
Al JazeeraManhattan DA’s office has said their subpoena is justified due to public reports of Trump Organization misconduct. In their court filing on Monday, though, lawyers for Vance said Trump’s arguments that the subpoena was too broad stemmed from “the false premise” that the probe was limited to the so-called “hush-money” payments. They said public reporting demonstrates that at the time the subpoena was issued “there were public allegations of possible criminal activity at Plaintiff’s New York County-based Trump Organization dating back over a decade”. “Every day that goes by is another day Plaintiff effectively achieves the ‘temporary absolute immunity’ that was rejected by this Court, the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court,” Vance’s lawyers said. “Every such day also increases the prospect of a loss of evidence or the expiration of limitations periods – the precise concerns that the Supreme Court observed justified its rejection of Plaintiff’s immunity claim in the first place.” The Supreme Court last month rejected claims by Trump’s lawyers that the president could not be criminally investigated while he was in office.