Extreme UV light from galaxy detected by AstroSat can give important clue on Dark Ages: DST
India TV NewsAstroSat, India's first multi-wavelength satellite has detected extreme-UV light from a galaxy 9.3 billion light-years away from Earth, uncovering an important clue on how the Dark Ages of the universe ended and how the first extreme-UV light appeared, the Department of Science & Technology said on Thursday. The EUV photons emitted by galaxies like AUDFs01 could play a crucial role in reionising the early universe soon after the Cosmic Dark Age and emitting the first light. India's first multi-wavelength satellite, AstroSat, has detected extreme-UV light from a galaxy, called AUDFs01, 9.3 billion light-years away from Earth,” DST said. "By studying galaxies like AUDFs01 and many more, we could get an idea of how star formation rate, gas consumption rate, and growth of stellar mass in those primitive galaxies.