How the pandemic has made us re-examine our lives and values
Live MintIf there is one theme that has prevailed consistently since March 2020, either in the context of therapy sessions or organisational work, it is what I call repurposing. I would define repurposing as a conscious, mindful attempt at examining one’s life in relation to the developmental stage and reassessing what needs to be strengthened, what we need to let go of, and, sometimes, what we need to make room for. Personally, I have used these two years to ask myself, “What do I need to do so that I feel propelled to move forward and also maintain hope amidst uncertainty?” It may be important to ask ourselves what is leading us to re-examine our earlier ways of living and working. In the same way that sabbaticals require planning, an examination of finances, responsibilities and an understanding of what we would do when we take the time off, repurposing needs this and more so that we have safety nets and can transition gradually to new choices where we hold space for our feelings and mental health while being realistic about the challenges that lie ahead. Repurposing that’s a product of time spent in making mindful decisions, clarity about one’s values and needs, availability of personal resources—including financial ones—and social support from people who matter can often feel like a reward and the beginning of a renewed identity and life.