Encephalitis deaths in Bihar: Lychees can trigger brain fever infection, but the main cause is malnutrition, says expert
FirstpostOver the past few weeks, there have been at least 100 cases of acute encephalitis syndrome – a neurological condition triggered by a biochemical imbalance in the body – in the state of Bihar. However, there has been a lot of confusion and misinformation about the outbreak itself – its cause, what makes children unusually vulnerable, and that strange connection to litchis, in news reports about the outbreak. However, the breakout that is happening in Bihar right now is something called acute encephalitis syndrome – this is an “encephalopathy” not technically an infection i.e. When people – particularly children, who have considerably lower levels of body fat than adults – sleep without eating dinner, their body depends on reserves of glycogen released by the liver, the organ in which fat is also broken down in our body.