Charitable Society Looking After Socio-Economic And Welfare Matters Of Ex-Servicemen, Their Families Can Levy Service Tax: Kerala HC
Live LawThe Kerala High Court stated that services by charitable society who look after socio-economic and welfare matters of ex-serviceman and their families is liable to service tax. Jayasankaran Nambiar and Easwaran S. observed that “for an association like the assessee, the embarking on a transaction that is designed to earn income for its members, would have to be seen as a commercial venture and the assessee who embarks on such a venture, a 'commercial conern'.” In this case, the assessee/appellant is the Kerala State Ex-services League, which is a Charitable Society. The original authority found that the activities of the assessee would attract the definition of “security agency service” for the purposes of payment of service tax under the Finance Act, 1994, as amended. The assessee filed an appeal before the Appellate Tribunal which dismissed the appeal stating that the services provided by the assessee would attract the definition of “taxable service” under the head of “security agency service”. The said Circular which basically considers the applicability of service tax to educational institutes like IITs and IIMs, goes on to clarify that the principal activity of institutes like IITs and IIMs being the imparting of education without the objective of making profit, the said institutes cannot be seen as commercial concerns, even if for some of their activities they charged a fee.” Further, the bench opined that for an association like the assessee, the embarking on a transaction that is designed to earn income for its members, would have to be seen as a commercial venture and the assessee who embarks on such a venture, a 'commercial conern'.