Coronavirus can spread up to 13 feet in air from infected patients
Op IndiaThe Wuhan Coronavirus has dragged the world into severe darkness and distress leading to infect a massive population of more than 1.6 million people across the world and claimed the lives of 102,774 individuals across the world. While till now it was believed that the coronavirus can travel in the air up to 3 feet after it is released through sneeze or cough of an infected person, and people should maintain a distance of around 6 feet to be on the safer side, now researchers from Beijing have revealed in a study that the novel coronavirus can travel up to 13 feet from the infected patient’s body. The new report was established after examining air samples from the hospital wards that the virus can be present up to 13 feet of the patient that is twice the current earlier guidelines suggest. Therefore, half of the samples from the soles of the medical staff shoes might function as a carrier.” The researcher team also revealed that the droplets of the virus become suspended and remain airborne for several hours, unlike cough or sneeze droplets that fall to the ground within seconds. The team observed so-called aerosol transmission of Coronavirus, when the droplets of the virus are so fine they become suspended and remain airborne for several hours.