Planning a trip to Kashmir? Bookmark these food influencers
Live MintAn Asian News International story published yesterday spotlighted three Kashmiri food content creators: Omar Rather, Mohsin Fazli and Aamir Rawa. The ANI story reports that Rather, whose Instagram handle @kashmirfoodgram has 132 k followers, has been hired by ‘food bloggers in India’ to guide them on Kashmiri cuisine when they visit the state. Fazli is not a full-time content creator, says the ANI story: “He is a composite manager for the government of Jammu and Kashmir.” Creating food content is a passion and he runs @kashmir_eats on Instagram. For a deeper and comprehensive understanding of Kashmiri cuisine, follow food writer Marryam Reshi, the Delhi-based restaurant Matamaal and chef Prateek Sadhu who belongs to the Kashmiri Pandit community.