Covid-19 infection can cause vocal cord paralysis in teenagers, finds new study
Hindustan TimesResearchers have described the first pediatric case of vocal cord paralysis following Covid-19 infection in a new study. Covid-19 infection can cause vocal cord paralysis in teenagers, finds new study The physician-researchers at Massachusetts Eye and Ear hospital in the US have concluded that the paralysis was likely a downstream effect of the viral infection, and that it may be another addition to the "well-established" nervous system-related or neuropathic complications observed in children and adults. "Given how common this virus is among children, this newly recognised potential complication should be considered in any child presenting with a breathing, talking or swallowing complaint after a recent Covid-19 diagnosis," said first author Danielle Reny Larrow, a resident in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at Massachusetts Eye and Ear. Describing it as "highly unusual", the team said that this was the first report of an adolescent experiencing post-viral neuropathy, which is known to cause vocal cord paralysis, even as several adults have reported this complication as a result of Covid-19 infection.