This Is What No One Tells You About Getting Divorced In Your 30s
Huff Postsimarik via Getty Images The night I asked for a divorce, I wasn’t thinking about anyone else’s reaction. I wasn’t thinking about the stigma surrounding divorce, or how we’d been married for such a short period of time ― less than two years. According to Google, the average divorce costs about $15,000 per person, which includes but is not limited to: attorneys’ fees, court costs and the cost of hiring outside experts such as a real estate appraiser, tax adviser or child custody evaluator. But as the post-separation months wore on, I’d find myself blindsiding other co-workers with trying-to-be-casual mentions like, “Oh, yeah, I’m not married anymore.” “I’m sorry!” they’d exclaim, because that’s the first thing anyone can think to say at times like this. We also need to confront the societal forces that urge people to get married when they very likely have no idea what’s in store if that marriage doesn’t work out.
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