The Campaign Against 'Medicare For All' Is Spending Millions. Progressives Not So Much.
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING The most hotly debated policy in the Democratic presidential primary is “Medicare for All” ― a plan to move all Americans onto a single, government-run health insurance plan. The Partnership for America’s Health Care Future ― an industry front group representing private health insurers, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies ― has spent at least $1 million in television A typical 30-second spot, “Same Thing,” depicts a diverse group of ordinary Americans musing about how they prefer to pick their own health insurance plan ― and dismissing the idea of even a public health insurance option. “We have to have people have the choice to keep their private health insurance or to go on to the Medicare plan,” a voter named Michelle says. “Literally, people power, tens of thousands of boots on the ground, having deep conversations with everyday people about how our broken health care system has failed them and their families, garnering their support for Medicare for All and getting them to join us in our fight ― that is our philosophy of organizing for social change to take on the enormity of the challenges we face as a society,” Idelson said in a statement.