Companies should shun anti-China ploys: China Daily editorial
China DailyIt was reported on Tuesday that US senators Marco Rubio and Jeff Merkley sent a letter to the US Solar Energy Industries Association, pressuring the latter to detail measures ensuring that its member companies do not use solar products made with "forced labor" in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. On March 19, two bills, titled Uyghur Forced Labour Prevention Act, were reintroduced in the US Congress, aimed at banning all goods produced in whole, or in part, in Xinjiang unless importers can prove that they were not made with "forced labor". One day before that, some US senators even pushed for a bill that would revoke China's permanent normal trade relations status with the United States. Western companies and consumers face heavy losses because their politicians are recklessly wielding double-edged swords in their campaign to claim the moral high-ground from which to assail China.