Travel expert reveals how plane passengers can avoid getting ripped off when it comes to booking seats with 'nightmare legroom'
1 year, 1 month ago

Travel expert reveals how plane passengers can avoid getting ripped off when it comes to booking seats with 'nightmare legroom'

Daily Mail  

A travel expert has revealed how plane passengers can avoid getting ripped off when it comes to booking seats with 'nightmare legroom.' Jaideep Patil, who runs the @traveltipswithjay Instagram, explained how to pull up information related to the airplane model of a given flight in advance He said that travelers can subsequently determine the amount of legroom in different sections to ensure they are booking the best seats when it comes to legroom 'The next time you search on Google Flights, make sure you get access to this information,' while pulling up, as an example, available flights departing Boston and headed to Beijing. Google Flights still shows the airplane model associated with a given flight sans Travel Arrow being installed - but the information is positioned much less prominently. While Google Flights always shows the airplane model, TravelArrow creates a hyperlink to TripAdvisor's Seat Guru platform Jaideep demonstrated how Seat Guru can inform travelers about the legroom - as well as other pros and cons, like proximity to lavatories - for every seat on any given flight And, if you scroll down, he added, 'you can even see user generated reviews of the best and worst seats on this exact flight.'

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