Were TikTok users and K-pop fans really behind the poor turnout at Trump's Tulsa rally?
ABCUS President Donald Trump's first campaign rally since the coronavirus pandemic received more than 1 million ticket requests. In the days leading up to the rally, Mr Trump's campaign manager Brad Parscale claimed 1 million tickets had been requested for the event. It is clear TikTok users and K-pop fans mobilised to reserve tickets for the event, and their antics may well have inflated the Trump campaign's expectations for numbers. In a statement provided to the ABC, Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said the "fake news media" was to blame for "warning people away from the rally" over coronavirus and Black Lives Matter protests. "Leftists and online trolls doing a victory lap, thinking they somehow impacted rally attendance, don't know what they're talking about or how our rallies work," Mr Parscale's statement said.