Date Of Receipt Of Corrected Award Would Be Taken As Disposal Date U/S 34(3) Of Arbitration Act, Even When Application U/S 33 Has Been Filed: Delhi HC
Live LawThe Delhi High Court Bench of Justice Subramonium Prasad has held that taking the date of receipt of the corrected award as the starting point and not as the date of disposal would actually go contrary to the plain reading of Section 34 of the Act. However, the respondent argued that in the present case the terminus quo for calculating limitation would be the date on which the application under Section 33 of the Act filed by the respondent was disposed of and it cannot be the date on which the copy of the corrected award was received. One, where an application under Section 33 of the Act has not been filed in which case the legislature was conscious enough to state that it would be the date of receipt of the award. Thereafter, the court held that taking the date of receipt of the corrected award as the starting point and not as the date of disposal would actually go contrary to the plain reading of Section 34 of the Act.