[Land Acquisition]If Award Not Made Due To Stay, Would Enhanced Compensation Under 2013 Act Still Accrue?- SC To Consider Section 24(1)(a) Separately
Live LawThe Supreme Court five-judge bench, to which the task of the interpretation of section 24 of the 2013 Land Acquisition Act has been entrusted, grappled with a new question on Wednesday- if the award, for the purpose of section 24, could not be made on account of a stay, would the provisions of the new Act still apply, entitling all to the enhanced compensation? "We won't make any observations that would affect either party.we can't enlarge the scope of the reference", observed Justice Arun Mishra. "Although it has lapsed for some, those for whom the acquisition has not lapsed, there is higher compensation.the court should see person-by-person.there will be lapse only for those who have not been paid", replied Mr. Bhushan. "Only those will get the higher compensation who have not been paid", said Mr. Bhushan.