Failure To Notify Customer Upon Reaching Credit Limit : Uttarakhand State Commission Holds BSNL Liable For Deficiency In Service
Live LawThe Uttarakhand State Commission, presided by Mr. M. K. Singhal and Mr. C. M. Singh, held that failure to notify a customer when 80% of the credit limit is reached, as required by TRAI rules, amounts to deficiency in service. The District Commission ruled in the complainant's favour, prompting BSNL to challenge the decision at the State Commission of Uttarakhand. Observations by the State Commission The State Commission noted that the complainant applied for international roaming and call facilities, which require proper mobile settings to activate. The commission noted that BSNL was found to have failed to inform the complainant when their usage crossed 80% of the credit limit, which is required by TRAI rules, raising questions about BSNL's communication.