Joe Biden to L.A. donors: ‘It is a marathon and we have a long way to go’
LA TimesPresidential candidate Joe Biden and L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti at King Taco. Biden pledged to run a positive campaign, promising to “not speak ill of any of the Democratic candidates.” Joe Biden’s first visit to Los Angeles as a presidential candidate featured two things the city produces in abundance: campaign cash and tacos. Presidential candidate Joe Biden and L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti chatted about California-specific concerns such as homelessness during their lunch at King Taco. Between events in Los Angeles’ swankiest neighborhoods Wednesday to collect campaign checks, Biden and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti stopped for a late afternoon snack at King Taco No. Stacey Cohen, 50, a licensed clinical therapist who works at Kaiser’s Los Angeles Medical Center, said she was “very surprised” that her union had not heard from Biden or his campaign about their concerns.