欧盟就复苏计划达成协议 规模达7500亿欧元
China Daily7月21日上午,欧盟各国领导人就新冠肺炎疫情后的经济复苏计划达成协议,计划为27个成员国提供7500亿欧元的赠款和贷款,并出台未来七年约1.1万亿欧元的财政计划,以应对新冠肺炎给各国经济造成的影响。 Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, France's President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel look into documents during the first face-to-face EU summit since the coronavirus disease outbreak, in Brussels, Belgium July 20, 2020. 该协议将面临成员国的技术性谈判,并需要得到欧洲议会的批准。 European Parliament President David Sassoli and French President Emmanuel Macron talk at the start of the first face-to-face EU summit since the coronavirus disease outbreak, in Brussels, Belgium July 17, 2020. 这几个国家最初设定的赠款上限为3750亿欧元。西班牙和意大利等其它成员国则希望赠款不低于4000亿欧元。 At one point French President Emmanuel Macron reportedly banged his fists on the table, as he told the "frugal four" they were putting the European project in danger. 另一个问题是将援助与“法治”联系在一起。匈牙利和波兰都威胁说,如果该协议采取拒绝向被认为不符合民主原则的国家提供资金的政策,它们将否决该协议。 President of the European Council Charles Michel, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, France's President Emmanuel Macron and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen pose during a meeting at the first face-to-face EU summit since the coronavirus disease outbreak, in Brussels, Belgium, July 19, 2020.