Indian Railways: No bookings till May 3 due to Covid-19 lockdown. How can you get refund
India TodayAfter the announcement for extending the Covid-19 lockdown further till May 3, 2020, by Prime Minister Narender Modi on Tuesday, April 14, Indian railways has said that all the passenger train services, including premium trains, mail/express trains, suburban trains and Kolkata metro rail, will continue to remain suspended till May 3. The Indian Railways will give full refund to its online customers for trains cancelled up to May 3, 2020. Customers will also get full refunds of their tickets if they are cancelling their advance bookings for trains not yet cancelled. All the ticket booking counters of the railways for reserved, unreserved travel at railway stations and outside railway station premises shall remain closed up to 2400 hrs of May 3, 2020.