Treat nature right or future pandemics will wreck more havoc than COVID-19 did says UN panel
FirstpostSeventy percent of emerging diseases — such as Ebola, Zika and HIV/AIDS — are zoonotic in origin, meaning they circulate in animals before jumping to humans. “There is no great mystery about the cause of the Covid-19 pandemic — or any modern pandemic,” said Peter Daszak, president of the Ecohealth Alliance and chair of the IPBES workshop that drafted the report. “The same human activities that drive climate change and biodiversity loss also drive pandemic risk though their impacts on our agriculture.” The panel said that Covid-19 was the sixth pandemic since the influenza outbreak of 1918 —all of which had been “entirely driven by human activities”. “We still rely on attempts to contain and control diseases after they emerge, through vaccines and therapeutics.” Withering reminder The IPBES suggested a global, coordinated pandemic response, and for countries to agree upon targets to prevent biodiversity loss within an international accord similar to the Paris agreement on climate change. Nick Ostle, a researcher at the CEH Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, said the IPBES’ assessment should serve as a “withering reminder” of how reliant humanity is on nature.