Bogleheads: The one internet forum that will get you through stock market chaos.
SlateSign up for the Slatest to get the most insightful analysis, criticism, and advice out there, delivered to your inbox daily. That is because the Bogleheads’ entire ethos is that you, a regular person on the internet, should not assume you know much about the stock market. The Vanguard Total Market Index Fund is a popular Boglehead pick, offering retail investors the chance to own a little piece of all of the world’s big public companies for almost nothing in fees. The subreddit’s top post of the last week is one castigating the heretics: “The amount of people not staying the course, not continuing to invest, looking at their balance every day, and general hysteria is comical.” The Boglehead ideology abhors selling stock in response to a downturn, because it holds that none of us know when the market will go up or down. While American democracy dangles by a thread and the stock market has a horrible time, I draw comfort from knowing my financial fortunes aren’t any better or worse than most other people’s.
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