CBSE to train school principals and teachers through short-term courses from IIMs
India TodayThe office of Senior PRO, Central Board of Secondary Education in a release last week requested all Indian Institutes of Management to design short-term courses for principals and teachers of private independent schools affiliated to CBSE in order to train them. The Board organizes trainings of teachers through its regional training centres in various subjects and other core skills related to school education, the CBSE statement said. Why principals need leadership training programmes CBSE listed the following learning outcomes of such training programmes for principals, in which of which the request was made to the IIMs: Preparation of pedagogical plans Train teachers to track progress of students on learning goal/outcome and implement competency based education Lead teachers in assessing and improving lesson plans and instructional designs by incorporating 21st Century skills Collect and use data to oversee the organization and resources Address interest and needs of staff, students and other stakeholders Implement policies of various governing bodies and respond effectively to changes that impact the schools. Read: 30 Delhi govt school principals undergoing IIM training to improve education quality Read: CBSE and Microsoft join hands to train teachers in using AI technology in 10 cities Read: CBSE redefines the role of school principals as 'pedagogical leaders'