Editorial: Chief Moore and other bail reform critics are wrong. Cash bail should not be a form of punishment
LA TimesPeople who are accused of crimes in Los Angeles County but are unable to make required bail payments before arraignment are held in police station jails or transported to the Inmate Reception Center, which has long been under fire for inhumane conditions. Testifying in August in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of money bail, Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore said the value of this system is to show the public that “there’s consequences for going out and committing serious offenses, felony offenses. And that those consequences are that you face the risk of being incarcerated and punished.” Opinion Ending Cash Bail On Oct. 1 Los Angeles County transitions to a new way of administering pre-arraignment justice that doesn’t use cash bail for most crimes. And it goes to the heart of the need for bail reform and the importance of the Los Angeles County Superior Court’s new Pre-Arraignment Release Protocol, which takes effect Oct. 1 and will eliminate money bail and pretrial detention for most suspected crimes. The Los Angeles Police Protective League and other police unions are urging L.A. residents to attend the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday to share their concerns about the changes to the county’s cash bail system.
History of this topic

Bail reforms: What are bail conditions and how do they affect the accused person's rights?
Hindustan Times
Editorial: L.A. County cities should stop fighting the end of cash bail. It’s working
LA Times
Editorial: L.A. court’s refreshing candor on money bail: It doesn’t make us safer
LA Times
Editorial: How the court’s bail reform plan could go wrong. How to keep it going right
LA Times
Editorial: Leaders aren’t leading on L.A. bail reform
LA Times
Opinion: As judges, we’ve made thousands of bail decisions. Here’s the truth about detention and public safety
LA Times
Editorial: Trump should not have to pay bail
LA Times
Editorial: L.A.’s bail reform is an improvement, but falls short of what Illinois has done
LA Times
Editorial: 50 Cent and prosecutors are wrong about cash bail. L.A. courts get it right
LA Times
Editorial: Court brings back sanity, and the Constitution, in Los Angeles bail ruling
LA Times
Editorial: Presumed guilty! The toxic cost of money bail
LA Times
Republican bills push cash bail, subvert Democratic changes
Associated Press
Editorial: California still violates the Constitution on bail
LA Times
Bail reform: Behind police leaders claims that reforms are responsible for surge in violence
California top court strikes blow against cash bail
Al Jazeera
Editorial: Court takes a giant step on bail, but more work is needed
LA Times
California’s top court ends cash bail for some defendants who can’t afford it
LA Times
Freed after NY bail reform, robbery suspect arrested by feds
Associated Press
Column: Facing eradication, the bail industry gears up to mislead the public about its value
LA Times
Editorial: Money bail punishes the poor and makes a mockery of California’s justice system
LA Times
John Legend and Rashad Robinson: End money bail now (opinion)
This city just took a major step to reform its oppressive and inhumane bail system
California’s chief justice calls for end to cash bail
Associated Press
Judicial group urges end to cash bail for criminal defendants
LA Times
California lawmakers want to reform a bail system they say ‘punishes the poor for being poor’
LA Times
Obama administration challenges the money bail system: Can people be kept in jail just because they are poor?
LA Times
Post-2G, courts increasingly hanging up on bail pleas
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