China Daily今年的"618"年中大促与往年相比,变得更加简单透明,取消了预售机制,也没有那么多复杂的规则。电商意识到,中国消费者现在更加注重商品的实际价值,除了实用又实惠的商品外,高科技的智能产品、运动服装、营养保健品都是销售额较高的热门品类。 A staff member collects goods at a JD bonded warehouse in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, on Tuesday, during this year's June 18 shopping carnival. 发起"618"年中大促活动的电商巨头京东的数据表明,从5月31日晚8点开始的为期数周的促销活动中,购买国产品牌的消费者数量同比增长超过40%。 Young Chinese consumers increasingly opt for high-quality homegrown brands, with spending from the post-1990s and post-2000s generations accounting for more than 55 percent of the total sales of domestic brands, JD said. 阿里巴巴的B2C平台天猫称,在年中大促活动中,超过37000个品牌的销售额翻了一番,而美的、华为和小米等国产品牌的销售额则突破了10亿元人民币。户外运动用品、消费类电子产品以及营养和保健品的销售额在"618"大促期间也迎来强劲增长。 Online retailer Vipshop said sales of cycling clothes rose 54 percent year-on-year, while those of outdoor jackets were up 35 percent and running shoes, 30 percent, during the promotional gala, while turnover of clothing that integrates traditional Chinese elements with contemporary styles surged threefold from a year earlier. 在线零售商唯品会表示,在这次年中大促活动中,该平台骑行服装的销售额同比增长了54%,而户外短外套和跑鞋的销售额分别增长了35%和30%。新中式服装的销售额比去年同期增长了三倍。 "Consumption has become a major driving force for China's economic growth, and the June 18 shopping festival is pivotal to stimulating consumers' purchasing appetite and shoring up the economy," said Wang Yun, a researcher with the Academy of Macroeconomic Research affiliated with the National Development and Reform Commission. 国家发展改革委直属研究机构中国宏观经济研究院研究员王蕴表示,消费已成为中国经济增长的主要驱动力,"618"购物节对于刺激消费者的购买欲望和推动经济发展极为重要。 Jason Yu, general manager of Kantar Worldpanel China, a market research provider, said, "Price is a basic and core competitiveness for e-commerce platforms, as consumers are inclined to purchase premium products with high cost-effectiveness during the June 18 shopping festival."