How scientists created the first ever image of a black hole
The IndependentSign up for our free Health Check email to receive exclusive analysis on the week in health Get our free Health Check email Get our free Health Check email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. If you needed to see to believe, then thank the Event Horizon Telescope, which recently produced the first ever direct image of a black hole. The EHT team decided to target two of the closest supermassive black holes to us – both in the large elliptical shaped galaxy, M87, and in Sagittarius A*, at the centre of our Milky Way. open image in gallery In Washington this month, EHT director Sheperd Doeleman reveals the first photograph of a black hole To give a sense of how hard this task is, while the Milky Way’s black hole has a mass of 4.1 million suns and a diameter of 60 million kilometres, it is 250,614,750,218,665,392 kilometres away from Earth – that’s the equivalent of travelling from London to New York 45 trillion times. The Milky Way’s black hole was too challenging to take an accurate image of this time round due to rapid variability in light output.
History of this topic

Famous picture of black hole in our galaxy might not be accurate, research says
The Independent
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