Coronavirus means you can't go to the gym right now. Here's what your rights are and how you can recoup your membership fees
ABCAre you a gym junkie? "That's the case with gyms at the moment," Gerard Brody from the Consumer Action Law Centre says. Fitness centres might say they'll supply those prepaid classes later in the year or next year — they're still eventually going to be made available — so consumer law doesn't necessarily apply. Stay up-to-date on the coronavirus outbreak Download the ABC News app and subscribe to our range of news alerts for the latest on how the pandemic is impacting the world "That would be a significant variation to what you've agreed — it would only happen with your consent," Mr Brody says. Barrie Elvish from Fitness Australia — the peak body representing fitness centres — says the bottom line is that "gyms are by nature a customer relationship business".
History of this topic

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