5 lifesaving tips for when you spot a bear on the trail
3 months, 4 weeks ago

5 lifesaving tips for when you spot a bear on the trail

LA Times  

I was drifting to sleep in my tent, soothed by the crisp night air, when I heard one word that jarred me back to reality. “Talk to the child loud enough for the bear to hear, and tell them, ‘It’s a bear, and we’re sharing the trail,” Owens said. “Keep on facing it so you’re not turning your back to it.” If you have a dog, the dog might scare the bear away before you have to take any action, Owens said. “That’s the bear saying, ‘You’re too close, you need to get away from me, you’re scaring me, I feel threatened,’” Owens said. You should start slowly backing away, Owens said, telling the bear, “OK, I’m leaving.” When you see a black bear on the trail, do not run or climb a tree.

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