Meth and cocaine dipped in jalapeño paste? 349 bags of drugs extracted, carefully, in San Diego
1 year ago

Meth and cocaine dipped in jalapeño paste? 349 bags of drugs extracted, carefully, in San Diego

LA Times  

Agents carefully extract hundreds of packages of drugs from containers of jalapeño paste at the Otay Mesa Cargo Facility. What agents said they found was almost 2 tons of methamphetamine and cocaine — valued at $10.4 million — buried within dozens of vats of fiery jalapeño paste. The Otay Mesa port director said the CBP had stepped up its efforts “to secure communities and stifle the growth of transnational criminal organizations, one seizure after another.” Last month, San Diego’s field office seized more than 14,000 pounds of narcotics at California’s land borders. “Since the jalapeño paste was laden with dangerous drugs,” Scappechio said, “I wouldn’t hold my breath.”

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