Twitter warns users of serious security breach that could impact millions of accounts in India
India TodayTwitter is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world and is used by millions of users every day who share not just their daily lives with fellow Twitter users, but also essential data about themselves with the platform itself. As such, when news emerged that the platform’s security systems had been breached and possibly user data was stolen from it, many users were understandably left scared. The company earlier last week admitted that it had released a fix for a malicious code that was possibly inserted into its app by hackers and could have compromised some users' information worldwide. The information about the possible data breach was shared with users by Twitter itself which had sent an email to its users asking them to update their apps and warning that in the case don’t the decision could give hackers a chance to gain access to non-public account information or even give them direct control over the user’s account. While the company outlined the issue, and possible implications arising from it, it did not say if any user data was actually stolen because of the flaw it found in the code of its app.