SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: BBC star Patrick Grant gets bee in his bonnet over ethical Stella McCartney
6 years, 3 months ago

SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: BBC star Patrick Grant gets bee in his bonnet over ethical Stella McCartney

Daily Mail  

Stella McCartney has made much of being an ‘ethical’ fashion designer who spurns leather, but suave BBC star Patrick Grant says her imitators risk polluting the planet. Stella McCartney has made much of being an ‘ethical’ fashion designer who spurns leather ‘The alternative to leather is plastic and now all of a sudden we are waking up to the problem of plastic. But suave BBC star Patrick Grant says her imitators risk polluting the planet McCartney’s faux leather boots sell for up to £755. ‘Maybe we should eat less meat, but we do eat meat, so we might as well use the hides of the cows we eat rather than kill our fish.’ A Stella McCartney spokesman claims ocean waste is caused by microfibres shed mostly while garments are cleaned in washing machines and this does not apply to its shoes and other faux leather products, which are not machine washable.

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