A cycling nation: how the bike impacts on Dutch society
Dutch NewsWe all know that the Netherlands’ has world-leading bicycle infrastructure. In 2018 the Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis published a report which concluded ‘cycling is an efficient way to prevent obesity’, and can even prevent emotional conditions such as depression. Democracy ‘Cycling is part of the Dutch DNA,’ says Shirley Agudo, photographer and author of Bicycle Mania Holland and The Dutch & Their Bikes. The Dutch live and breathe cycling, from the time they are able to walk — starting with the ‘loopfiets’ — until very old age.’ The Dutch, she says, literally grow up on bikes. ‘Exposed to wind and rain on a regular basis — drudging against gale force eight on unsheltered dyke roads any difference in status or social stature between cyclists is soon eradicated… Whether an office clerk, bricklayer, captain of industry, prime minister or royalty — all cyclists have to bow to the elements.’ King Perhaps this is why Mark Rutte caused an online sensation earlier this year when he arrived by bicycle at a meeting with king Willem-Alexander at his offices in The Hague.