Hosting an Oscars party? Here are menu ideas for each best picture nominee
2 weeks ago

Hosting an Oscars party? Here are menu ideas for each best picture nominee


Hosting an Oscars party? Here are menu ideas for each best picture nominee toggle caption Cris Cantón/Getty Images You're having people over to watch Hollywood's Biggest Night. You've printed out the Oscar ballots, you've gutted your way through all five disturbing documentaries, you've nailed the pronunciation of live action short film nominee Nebojša Slijepčević. Sure, you could toss out some bean dip and a cheese log and let 'em fend for themselves like feral beasts, albeit feral beasts who harbor strong opinions about Fernanda Torres' chances. You want to give your guests a bill of fare that engages with each of the best picture nominees on both a gustatory and conceptual level.

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