‘Friends with the fella who runs the butchers’: Posties turn detective to deliver letter with description instead of address
The IndependentGet the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Staff have been praised after delivering a letter that came without an address or surname but rather included a description of the intended recipient: “lives across the road from the Spa his ma + da used to own”. “Moved to Waterfoot after he got married, plays guitar and used to run discos in the parochial hall and the hotel in the 80s,.” It concluded with its finest line: “Friends with the fella who runs the butchers in Waterfoot too.” Describing his astonishment at receiving the mail, Lynn wrote on Twitter: “Harty applause to @RoyalMail Cushendall and Ballymena for being able to deliver this letter to me today. the rest is more like my life story!” It is not the first time the Royal Mail has come up trumps by delivering letters without conventional addresses. Last year, Catrina Davies, who lives in a shed in Cornwall, was handed a letter in an envelope omitting a town, street name or postcode; and spelling her surname wrong but which did note she reside “near a village 21 miles from Land’s End”.
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