Letters to the Editor: Nuclear power’s promise: Live well now, poison humanity in the future
3 weeks, 6 days ago

Letters to the Editor: Nuclear power’s promise: Live well now, poison humanity in the future

LA Times  

Pacific Gas and Electric’s Diablo Canyon Power Plant, the only operating nuclear plant in California, is seen in Avila Beach in 2023. To the editor: To paraphrase a popular aphorism about men and therapy, it appears that young people would rather risk destroying entire landscapes with nuclear waste than have less electricity to power the internet. I would recommend that younger people receptive to nuclear energy consider the seventh-generation principle, which calls on us to care about the needs of those who will live well beyond our own deaths. The site of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory near Simi Valley is highly contaminated; it had a partial nuclear meltdown in 1959 and additional accidents. Bonnie Klea, West Hills The writer is a former worker at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.. To the editor: I thought the issue of nuclear power was over.

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