'It Is Really Hard': Gurgaon Founder Opens Up About The Challenges Of Being A Millennial Boss
1 month, 2 weeks ago

'It Is Really Hard': Gurgaon Founder Opens Up About The Challenges Of Being A Millennial Boss

ABP News  

Founder of a Gurugram-based human resources firm, Mayank Sharma recently took to LinkedIn to share the challenges of being a millennial boss. "Being a millennial boss is really hard," Sharma wrote, highlighting the stark contrast in expectations between different generations. "You have a boomer or an older millennial boss who wants you to push your team to work late hours, insist on daily office attendance, and enforce formal dress codes,” he said. The reportee part is partially what they want and partially how you nurture them from a value perspective.” “This struggle will increase more as time progresses and more Gen Z will enter in workforce and employers will have to adjust and prioritize younger needs to remain competitive in the market and the older generation will have to adjust to the working pattern of young ones and they might not be as involved as top ones,” added a third user.

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