Yes, You Can Donate Your Extra Breast Milk And You Should. Here's Why.
1 year, 6 months ago

Yes, You Can Donate Your Extra Breast Milk And You Should. Here's Why.

Huff Post  

One Ounce At A Time Elisabeth Anderson-Sierra stands in front of her freezers full of breast milk. Just hours after first discussing the possibility of donor milk with her midwife, “I cried with relief while I gave my son his first bottle of donor milk,” Gagne said. “I’m so grateful to these women who spent hours pumping while caring for their own babies so that my son could benefit from their milk.” Parents who adopt or use surrogates also sometimes look for donor milk to feed their babies. “Goldie just turned 3 months old, and I hope to keep her on donor milk for as long as possible.” Milk banks collect donor milk and prepare it for use by preterm infants. It’s just a special superpower that they have,” she said, calling milk donation “one gift that literally keeps on giving and benefiting so many other lives.” How to find donor milk if you’re in need.

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