So THAT'S Why Alcohol Makes You More Anxious As You Get Older
5 days, 3 hours ago

So THAT'S Why Alcohol Makes You More Anxious As You Get Older

Huff Post  

Klaus Vedfelt via Getty Images It’s the morning after a night out, and you can’t stop stressing. “Adults tend to have reduced muscle mass as they age, resulting in less water in the body overall to help dilute the effects of the alcohol.” Further, since having less muscle mass can mean having a slower metabolism, your body can’t process alcohol as quickly in that sense, either. “The liver’s ability to detox the body and cleanse it of toxins becomes less efficient, which could contribute to more acute withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, as we age,” New said. “If anxiety persists, one can take time to practice some basic breathing exercises, such as box breathing … or any other breathing techniques the individual may know,” New said. “Overall, if anxiety persists and is the reason for continuing drinking,” New said, “you should always seek out professional help to be assessed to see if professional services may benefit you.” Advertisement

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