Scientists discover a new planet that has BREATHABLE AIR
5 years, 1 month ago

Scientists discover a new planet that has BREATHABLE AIR

Daily Mail  

For the first time ever, astronomers have identified molecular oxygen in a galaxy outside the Milky Way. The team identified the presence of molecular oxygen by analyzing light waves that had reached Earth from Markarian 231, a galaxy around 581 million light years away. Light wave readings taken at the IRAM 30-meter telescope in Granada, Spain helped scientists detect signatures of molecular oxygen in the Markarian 231 galaxy, the first time the compound has been detected outside the Milky Way Ironically, the presence of oxygen in our own atmosphere, along with other gases, have traditionally made it difficult to get accurate light wave readings from distant galaxies, according to a report in Vice. Because the light readings from Markarian 231 originated from a QSO, they had a significantly lower wave frequency than standard light waves, which allowed them to pass through Earth’s atmosphere without any distorting effects. Markarian 231 is a galaxy 581 million light years away from Earth, and is believed to have 100 times as much oxygen as has so far been detected in the Milky Way Based on the readings, the team estimates there could be more than 100 times as much oxygen in Markarian 231 galaxy as has so far been observed in the Milky Way.

History of this topic

Molecular oxygen spotted in another galaxy for the first time
5 years, 1 month ago

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