Indira Rajaraman: It pays to track of popular perceptions of public policy
Live MintPublic policy is so termed because it is done for us the people, the public. The Reserve Bank of India conducts a six-monthly survey of 3-month and 1-year ahead inflation expectations, termed Subjective Inflation Expectations in the economics literature. The average expectation across households in the sample, hovering around 10 % over the last ten years, has consistently remained well above recorded inflation rates. The chart shows no decline in average SIE after inflation targeting began in 2016, although there is some rough consonance between variations in household inflation expectations and movements in recorded inflation. Ever since 800 million beneficiaries under the National Food Security Act were given subsidized cereals, now free after merger with the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana, cereal prices no longer dominate inflation perceptions.