Every Senior Advocate Should Recruit & Mentor At Least One Member From Marginalized Community In Their Chambers: Justice P.S. Narasimha
1 year, 3 months ago

Every Senior Advocate Should Recruit & Mentor At Least One Member From Marginalized Community In Their Chambers: Justice P.S. Narasimha

Live Law  

Narasimha, judge of the Supreme Cour,t while talking about the efforts required by the legal fraternity to advance marginalized communities, suggested that every senior advocate should recruit and mentor at least one member from marginalized community in their chambers. At the outset, Justice Narasimha cited B.R Ambedkar’s letter to Thakkar: “The touchables and the untouchables cannot be held together by law – certainly not by any electoral law substituting joint electorates for separate electorates. Outside the family justice alone in my opinion can open the possibility of love, and it should be the duty of the Anti-Untouchability League to see that the touchable does, or failing that is made to do, justice to the Untouchable.” Following this, Justice Narasimha said that drawing from B.R Ambedkar’s idea of fraternity, “I propose that communities who have been oppressed needs to be treated with essence of institutionalised empathy.” He also clarified that empathy, at the same time, by those in power should not turn into a paternalistic or savior issue. At this, Justice Narasimha averred that we must create spaces for students and professionals from marginalized communities in the legal fraternity.

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